The Black Secret Education Project 

Join the finest Black History Course Online

Learn the true histories of Africa's Great Civilisations

With world renowned historian

Robin Walker author of When We Ruled

Get Free e-book 100 Black History Facts

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Did You Know, most of Africa’s Rich History is little known to the general public?


Sadly, to this day most people in our communities know very little about the rich historical legacy of Africa. Moreover, most of us know very little Black history apart from the impact of Slavery and Colonialism in the last 500 years.


Worst still, many Black people are misinformed into thinking Africa and its people contributed little if anything to World Civilisation. Consequently, many of us think that all significant developments that Africa saw must have been brought to us by Non-Africans. This thinking leads many of us today to become overly dependant on non-Africans for jobs, opportunities and resources. 


However, nothing could be further from the truth. Africa has a rich legacy of sophisticated kingdoms with impressive surviving evidence: coins, fine art, monuments and manuscripts. Many civilisations and vast Empires existed from the dawn of Ancient times, through to the Mediaeval ages and into Modern times. For thousands of years there has been continuous indigenous development, and numerous large-scale civilisations that flourished in all parts of Africa: in the West, North, East, Central and South of the Continent and even beyond. There is evidence of Black civilisations and Black excellence in other parts of the World.


“Secrets empower those who know it, and disempower those who do not”


A lack of access to information about Black history and African heritage has contributed to many Black people feeling disempowered in their whole lives. It has been clinically shown that the way you view your past has a profound impact on your self-esteem and what you believe you can achieve in life. To this end, we want the community to be empowered by becoming entrepreneurial. Moreover, our content will help you achieve this. We want to empower you with knowledge of your history. But we also want to help you channel that sense of pride and achievement to create your own entrepreneurial successes should you choose to do so.


There are many amazing facts and truths about Africa and her people that are so little known by the general public at large, it is almost like a ‘Secret History of Treasures’ kept out of public sight. We aim to share with people like you and other like-minded souls this ‘Secret’ treasure trove of inspiring Histories. We further aim to shed light on History’s hidden gems, to educate, enlighten, empower and entertain.


Based on the book When We Ruled, ‘The Black Secret Education Project’ was created. We have put together the most comprehensive African heritage and Black history course in the World. With this resource, you will be empowered to learn everything currently available to know about Africa’s rich Histories and the amazing historical contributions of Black people all over the World. Finally, one of our educational modules, Wealth Mastery, will show you, if you choose, how to turn your new found pride into entrepreneurial community building success.


Robin Walker, also known as The Black History Man, an educator considered to be the UK’s most pre-eminent African scholar, as well as being the lead tutor of The Black Secret Education Project.

Introducing Our Tutor The Black History Man!


Our online course is led by Robin Walker also known as 'The Black History Man’, an educator considered to be the UK’s most pre-eminent African history scholar. Robin has been teaching & lecturing in African World Studies, Egyptology and Black History in adult education, universities and at conferences for nearly three decades.

Three best-selling books written by author Robin Walker, featuring When We Ruled, Everyday Life in a West African Empire, and Black History Matters, winner of the 2020 ALCS Educational Writers Award.

Critically Acclaimed & Award Winning Books


He is also a best-selling author with over 16 books to his name. Amongst these are the critically acclaimed work When We Ruled, regarded as a masterpiece on the History of Africa and its people. As well as the seminal Everyday Life in a West African Empire, considered by many to be the best study made on the Songhai Empire. And Black History Matters, winner of the 2020 ALCS Educational Writers Award.


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A History Course for Everyone


 Whether you are Young or Old, a Student, a Professional or Retiree. No matter your educational experience, this course will give you an in-depth knowledge of Black History. From Pre-History, Ancient Antiquity right through to the Medieval Period to Contemporary Times. We also trace the story from Africa to the Americas, Europe and across the globe.


On this course you will learn about Africa’s contribution to:

  • Architecture
  • Science & Technology
  • Mathematics
  • Metallurgy
  • Writing, Literature & Manuscripts
  • Commerce & Coinage
  • Fine Art
  • Statecraft & Governance
  • Religion
  • Philosophy

You will also learn about the early History of Lands today called:

Algeria, Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Egypt, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia and Zimbabwe.


 Each lesson is in bite-sized chunks so you can learn at your own pace & leisure which means
you can keep the same schedule you have now.


The Black Secret Education Project “Quietly Empowering the People”


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Black History & African Heritage Modules

Mediaeval Period


Phase 1 Content includes:

The West African Civilisations of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai

The Civilisation of the Moors

The Ancient and Mediaeval History of Ethiopia

The Ancient and Mediaeval History of Nigeria

Mai Idris Alooma and the Empire of Kanem-Borno

The Mediaeval Kingdoms of Nubia

Ann Nzinga and the Kingdoms of Kongo and Ndongo

The South African Civilisations of Great Zimbabwe and Munhumutapa

The East African Civilisation of the Swahili


What is The Black Secret Education Project?

The African Origin of 'The Secret' 


Available Now

Ancient Period


Phase 2 Content includes:

Africa and the Origin of Humanity

Africa, the Evolution of Culture, and the Birth of Civilisation

Who were the Ancient Egyptians?

What is the real chronology of the Ancient Egyptians?

Old Kingdom Egypt and Kush

Middle and New Kingdom Egypt

Pharaoh Taharqo and the Empire of Kush

Hidden History of Black People in Asia

Hannibal the Great and Carthage and Numidia

The Early Slave Trade against Africans





Available Now

Modern Period


Phase 3 Content includes:

The Slave Trade and the Destruction of Africa

Anti-Slavery Resistance and Rebellion

The Rise and Fall of Palmares

The Ashanti Empire and the “Slave Trade”

Prominent Blacks of the last 500 years

The Colonisation of Africa and the Pan African Movement

The Rise and Fall of Black Wall Street

The African American Civil Rights Struggle

70 Years of Modern Black British Civil Rights

The Southern African struggle against Apartheid and Colonisation

A Summary of Black History


The Dahomey Kingdom & The Elite Agojie Warriors


Available Now

Kongo Loango

Nigeria Eredo The City

Angola Queen Nzinga


Western Sahara The Original Moors

Egypt Ani & Tehuti

The Black Secret Summary


Business & Personal Development Modules

Wealth Mastery


Brand New Just Added!

Phase 4 Content includes:

The Challenges faced by the Black Community in making Money

From Agenda Follower to Budgetary Control

Black Wall Street and Wealth Mastery

Fortune Building Key from Great Zimbabwe

Five Things Entrepreneurs Do that the Poor and Middle Class Do Not

What are the 8 Key Empowerment Principles?

Cautionary Tales from Celebrities, Lottery Winners, and Families with Inheritances

Setting Up A Business

The Inner Game of Success

What is Marketing?

The Plan: The 14 Year Wealth Journey & the Shortcuts

Second Generationing It


Make Money with us at The Black Secret


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 Two Great Offers

Annually Subscription Now Available!
Dollar options also Available!

The Black Secret Education Course

Special Offer £18 Per/month ($23)

Regular Price £35 Per/month ($47)

  • Access to all available content Phases 1, 2, 3 & Now 4
  • All future Phase 5 & Phase 6 content, plus much more
  • All lessons presented with convenient bite size chapters
  • Downloadable Content; including course notes & image slides
  • The Black Secret Student Community
  • Fun Quiz lessons
Enroll Now

The Black Secret Education Course

Special Offer £250 Per/year ($300)

Regular Price £420 Per/year ($540)

  • Access to all available content Phases 1, 2, 3 & Now 4
  • All future Phase 5 & Phase 6 content, plus much more
  • All lessons presented with convenient bite size chapters
  • Downloadable Content; including course notes & image slides
  • The Black Secret Student Community
  • Fun Quiz lessons
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Special Bonus

As a special introductory bonus, we are offering you one of Robin’s books 100 Black History Facts for free! Packed with fun and interesting facts, it’s a great way to learn 100 Amazing truths about African Heritage and Black History quickly and easily. Just click on the link below and the book is yours.

100 Black History Facts

Get Your Free Copy Now!

Yes, I Want 100 Black History Facts
Elaine Buchanan image

Imani Ulaini

"The Black Studies course, has quite literally turned my life ‘right-side up’ and opened a world of possibilities that I could never have imagined."

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Chakka Shombe

"Having done Robin Walker’s Black History course, I can say that it has fed me intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally. It’s an amazing, amazing course, I highly recommend it."

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Selena Maxwell

"The impact of attending the classes was life changing for me, the emotions I felt during and after the sessions was ground breaking"

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Learn the world’s most comprehensive African Heritage and Black History course online, from one of the world’s leading authorities on the subject Robin Walker. The Black Secret Education Project course is packed full of fun and interesting facts about the histories of every part of the African Continent and Black people around the world. Covering everything from Pre-History, the Ancient period, the Mediaeval period and Modern times, this course will teach you everything you will ever need to know about African Heritage and Black History. With new Phases of extensive materials planned for release soon, and new content being made available on a regular basis, this course is a great investment in your education.

Join the World’s finest African Heritage and Black History course and learn from the best, Robin Walker. 


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