Live Events

Find our latest exciting Live Events and Announcements here!

Forthcoming Live Event

The Black Secret's Town Hall Forum 

Illustration by Bro. Jeorge 

Featuring Dr Julius Garvey & 'The Black History Man' Robin Walker 



This Event is not to be Missed!


On Saturday 25th May

Time: 7pm - 9pm BST 

Exclusive to Black Secret Members only

Venue: Zoom online


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Phase 4's Mastery of Wealth Is Now Live!


Mastery of Wealth Building in the Black Community with The Black Secret is a powerful tool. It will teach you systematically how to financially develop yourself and the Community. You will learn how to walk the six-year journey to financial freedom, and the shortcuts. From there, you will learn the 14-year journey to achieving massive net worth, and again, the shortcuts. You will learn the skills of budgeting, money management, personal development, masterminding, passive income creation, business formation, selling, copy writing, and fastlane business strategies. Moreover, you will discover how to pass your wealth vehicles and the correct success principles on to your children.

Join The Conversation!


We have new and monthly exciting live events on interesting aspects of Black History. Here members can study as a group and Discuss topics live. And guests, new to the Black Secret experience have the opportunity to join in the conversation and see what makes The Black Secret course Special!

Past Events

Unlocking Powerful Black History From Ancient African Art in London Museums  

Illustration by Bro. Jeorge 

Featuring refined African artifacts, veteran broadcaster Chuck Penn & 'The Black History Man' Robin Walker 

Robin Walker ( The Black History Man ) with colleagues at The Black Secret, alongside Chuck Penn have uncovered important new information and evidences that showcases just how sophisticated African production methods really were, that both challenges and exposes the ‘distorted’ narrative that many Western Institutions and Museums have deliberately ‘curated’ to present Africa in a lesser light.


This lecture is not to be Missed!


On Sunday 28th January 

Time: 7pm - 9pm BST 

Tickets: Early Bird £2 + Eventbrite booking fee 

Regular Price: £4 + Eventbrite booking fee 

Venue: Zoom online 

Get your Tickets from Eventbrite here: 


Share the News, Share the Knowledge, Share the Power




Live & Direct @ The Black Exchange


Our next live event for Black History Month UK is on Saturday 28th October in Redbridge and promises to be as entertaining as it is enlightening.


The Black Secret will be part of The Black Exchange Market at Redbridge. Danny Thompson will be presenting 'The Afrikan Literary Heritage.' A presentation on the African origins of written language, and its evolution from the Ancient period to the Modern present at 2pm. This will be followed by an interactive family orientated workshop at 4pm.


Other highlights on the day will be Charles from Ankh Rah, who will be giving a lecture on ‘Nutrition Based Calisthenics’ at 3pm as well as Paul Obinna giving a talk on ‘Updating 9000 years of History’ at 5pm.

There will be live Performances, music, a lively and vibrant Cultural Market & much more. Get your free tickets and join us on Saturday 28th of October at what will be a great day of Education and Entertainment, not to be missed!


Check out the details below! 


The Black Exchange: Marketplace and Extravaganza  

Featuring Entertainment, Live Performances & an extensive Cultural Market. A family day full of fun & education.

Celebrating Black History & Culture, Black Excellence & Unity, Natural Hair & Beauty.

Featuring: Renowned Speakers including The Black Secret, joined by Paul Obinna & Charles from Ankh Rah. The Black Secret will be giving a special lecture presentation on 'The Afrikan Literary Heritage'.

Saturday 28th October

Time: 11am - 6pm

Price: Free

Venue: Redbridge Central Library; Clements Rd, Ilford IG1 1EA & Redbridge Town Hall; 128-142 High Rd, Iford IG1 1DD

Get your Free Tickets from Eventbrite here:


Past Events


Celebrating African Ancestry


Our next live event for Black History Month UK is on Saturday 14th October in London and promises to be a night to remember.


The Black Secret is proud to announce in conjunction with Dr Gina Paige, ADDI ( African Diaspora Development Institute ), State of the African Diaspora, Ethiopian World Federation & ATKCO. The Black Secret will be introducing African Ancestry for the first time to the UK in their 20 year history. This will be a celebration of all our cultural connections across the globe and African Ancestry's 20 year long success of connecting the Diaspora to the African continent through DNA.


There will be live drumming, music and poetry, libations, engaging cultural discussions, inspiring presentations and lectures from each of the organisations involved, and special ancestry reveals including The Black Secret's very own Danny Thompson's African Ancestry DNA results. Plus, much more.


Join us on Saturday 14th of October to celebrate 20 years of African Ancestry, don't miss out, get your tickets now!


Here’s a flavour of what you can expect! Check out the Videos! 




Here's some more flavour!

Click Here or on the image above to view the video


Saturday 14th October

Time: 5pm - 8pm

Price: £12

Venue: Ambassadors Bloomsbury Hotel, 12 Upper Woburn Place, London WC1H 0HX


Get your Tickets from Eventbrite here:

Past Events


The Black Secret presents Did Africans Write? Early Black Writing Before 1900 with leading Black History scholar & celebrated educator ROBIN WALKER. The award winning author of WHEN WE RULED will lead a thought provoking and informative lecture + Q&A on the often overlooked subject area of Africa’s rich literary history.


This seminar challenges stereotypes and celebrates a lesser-known African tradition. Robin Walker ‘The Black History Man’ refutes the popular idea that Africa has little or no early literature of its own and instead relied solely on oral traditions.


This lecture on early Africa writing includes the following themes:


The Literature of Timbuktu

Sudanese Literature

Negro Arabian Literature

Ethiopian Literature and Illuminated Tomes

The Literature of the Hausa Confederate

Literature of the Swahili People


Also, learn what Africa has contributed to and expressed through literature in the fields of Poetry, Science, Philosophy and Intellectual discourse.


This presentation also advances the exciting possibilities that future research could reveal in the study of African writings.


Plus, Much, much more.


Join the Conversation and learn about Africa’s Great Literary Past!


Be enlightened, be entertained, be educated.


When: Saturday 25th February 2023


Time:  7pm to 9pm BST

Tickets: Early Bird £2 + Eventbrite booking fee

Regular Price £4 + Eventbrite booking fee

Free to All Black Secret Members

Where: Zoom Online


Link for Ticket Purchase & Eventbrite Page