Our mission and our purpose
Our motto is ‘Quietly Empowering the People’
Our mission and intention is to engage, enlighten and empower people across the world with our comprehensive programme ‘The Black Secret Education Project’. Through our in-depth lessons and content,
we will bring you all aspects of African heritage and Black history in one convenient place, easy to access at
any time of the day, so you can learn at your own pace and leisure.
We intend to shatter the illusion that Africa is just a cultural backwater and that Black people have contributed nothing to world culture. These are two myths which still persists in the hearts and minds of those who are uninformed on the subject. Among the uninformed are a large majority of both Black people around the globe as well as people of other ethnic groups. This should not be the case in this day and age, however alas it still proves to be.
The problem is that while there is much academic work published and available, revealing the extensive contributions of Black people worldwide, it is often buried and given very little media attention. Consequently, Africa’s rich history remains little known to the general public at large.
Even if you wanted to learn about Black history, and you’re led to believe that it doesn’t exist in the first place, would you actually spend much time if any, looking for it? And secondly, if you are unaware of its existence, even when the information is out there, you are actually very unlikely to come across it, because you won’t know what specifically to look for in the first place. This is the conundrum and negative cycle which perpetuates the false myth that Black people have no history, even when there are large amounts of evidence proving Africa’s extensive contributions to world history and culture.
This is why this course was put together, to bring the best and latest historical information on
Africa and the Black world to your fingertips, all in one convenient place.
Creating Cultural Wealth to generate Cultural Progression
We know from experience that learning the truth about Black history can erase limiting believes that people hold about themselves and others in their communities. In the 30 plus years that Robin Walker has been teaching this course, we have seen how it has positively impacted and transformed people’s mindsets. Knowing the truth about your own history is transformative and leads to progressive and productive individuals who have a positive impact on their communities. To this end we invite you to join our community of
‘The Black Secret Progressives’ to inspire positive change and growth in your lives and your own communities.
History is one important element in producing ‘progressive’ mind states. We are also committed to encouraging greater business and financial literacy, which is crucial in being able to facilitate progressive projects and initiatives that will be of benefit to communities worldwide. As such in future phases we will be introducing additional business and economic related materials and courses.
Share and Earn
In this spirit, we are getting the ball rolling with our affiliate program. Share and Earn is a way for members who feel they are benefiting from the course to share this opportunity for personal growth and knowledge with others and benefit financially in the process. To learn more about our affiliate program, click the link below.
Learn moreJoin Our Community
of 'The Black Secret Progressives'
Become uplifted, be inspired and enlightened
by the knowledge of 'Real Black History'.

Let's Get Down with
The Black History Man
Our course is led by Robin Walker also known as
‘The Black History Man’, an educator considered to be
the UK’s most pre-eminent African history scholar. Robin has been teaching and lecturing in African World Studies, Egyptology and Black History in adult education, universities and at conferences for nearly three decades.
Critically Acclaimed & Award Winning Books
He is also a best-selling author with over 16 books to his name. Amongst these are the critically acclaimed work When We Ruled, regarded as a masterpiece on the History of Africa and its people. As well as the seminal Everyday Life in a West African Empire, considered by many to be the best study made on the Songhai Empire. And Black History Matters, winner of the 2020 ALCS Educational Writers Award.

What ZaZa Ali Had To Say About When We Ruled
As you can see ZaZa Ali thinks 'When We Ruled' is the BOMB! She loved its comprehensive content and attention to detail. And you will love The Black Secret online course based on the book, because it is definitely the BOMB and very, very DOPE!
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